Brigg-based TPN Partner John Reid Trucking Ltd has won the March round of the TPN Charity Draw. The company has chosen to donate £500 each to the 1st Scawby Guides and to Broughton Cricket Club.
The 1st Scawby Guides is a section of Girlguiding UK for girls aged 10 to 14 years old. John Reid accountant, Charlotte Reid, is a Guides group leader. She says the money will be used to replace the mess tent, as the current catering tent has been in use for more than 20 years.
Charlotte says: “We’re attending an international camp this year along with two other local guide groups who we share equipment with, so a new mess tent will be extremely useful. We have been trying to raise funds for this and some new sleeping bags, so the TPN Charity Draw win was very timely.”
The girls of 1st Scawby Guides will be attending Poacher 2022, an international Scout and Guide Jamboree held in Lincolnshire.
The Broughton Cricket Club encourages young children to get into cricket. Charlotte says John Reid Trucking has a long tradition of sponsoring the Club and many employees are connected to the Club at various levels.
The TPN Charity Draw receives a £10 monthly donation from each of our 100+ depots and the winning depot, generated at random, chooses which charity to support. The depot can use up to £500 of the money to reward staff, and the remainder is donated. However, many choose to donate all of their winnings. This is an important way for TPN to support those charities and causes which are important to our regional Partners.
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